Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kenyan Recess

Recess in Kenya is something that baffles me.
 Picture this: the kids run out of the classroom like they haven’t seen daylight in weeks and roll around on the grass like there is no better playground in the entire world. They climb trees and play games that involve 15 kid pile ups and jump around on old tires and they laugh and laugh and laugh. Sometimes they form circles and dance around and sometimes they push and shove and fight with each other like they are in boxing rings. And it’s all 100% acceptable play.
Can I tell you about a game that they play? Maybe it will blow your mind the way it blew mine. All of the kids line up in this long line and then three walk behind them. The three takes turns with different jobs-one will cover the person's eyes, one will pinch their neck, and one will slap them on the back. And the the child who has their back turned must guess who it was that pinched them and who it was that hit them. And that is a GAME. Please picture my face the first time that I saw this being played. (I can guarantee you that the only way to describe it would be SHOCK.) 
If I ever were to forget how different life is here, if I were to ever fail to see the differences between teaching here and teaching in the US, recess with always be a reminder. 

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